• Reasons Why Arya Samaj Marriage Is Better

    Those who've no idea why ' Arya Samaj Marriage ' is becoming a preferable marriage option among the youth of India then, you must read this blog! Here, we've discussed everything about the advantages, benefits, and requirements of Arya Samaj Marriage. So, if you're curious to know about the reasons why 'Arya Samaj Marriage in Delhi, India is considered the best legal option of the traditional Hindu wedding before opting for this marriage option, then continue reading this blog:


    The Following are the Advantages and Benefits of Arya Samaj Wedding—


    • No Need to Give Dowry: As Arya Samaj has been fighting against the concept of 'Dowry' so; you can opt for Arya Samaj Marriage if you're also against such a social curse in society.
    • No Alcoholic and alternative intoxicating merchandise: As Arya Samaj strictly prohibits alcoholic and alternative intoxicating drinks in the marriage ceremony so; you can opt for Arya Samaj Marriage if you don't want to have any unnecessary problem or issue (created by intoxicating drinks) on such a special day of marriage.
    • Avoid Caste and Religion Discrimination: As Arya Samaj doesn't support the class structure and provides the freedom to do 'Inter-caste and Inter-religious' marriages so; you can opt for Arya Samaj Marriage for strengthening the unity of the country as well as to remove the roots of social discrimination among caste and religion etc.
    • Freedom from Unnecessary Barriers: Unlike big fat traditional Hindu marriages, Arya Samaj Marriage doesn't involve printing marriage cards; distributing the same among relatives and friends; arranging marriage venues, along with taking care of guests transport and extravagance, etc. So, you can opt for Arya Samaj Marriage to stay free from all such tensions.
    • Curbing kid Marriage: As Marriage in Arya Samaj is done while keeping in mind all the laws as well as rules and regulations so; you can opt for Arya Samaj Marriage in order to discourage the violation of any law (especially the law related to kid marriage) and to encourage following such laws strictly.
    • Marriage Certificate: Above all, Arya Samaj Marriage in India  is accepted legally and for it, you'll also get the Marriage certificate from the 'Arya Samaj Mandir.' Using the certificate, you can register your marriage as per the 'Hindu Marriage Act 1955' and make your marriage lawfully valid.


    After considering the following benefits and advantages, if you also want to opt for Arya Samaj Marriage then, make sure to check your eligibility and arrange the required documents in advance. However, if you've no idea about the following then, read further to acknowledge yourself about the same:


    Arya Samaj Marriage Eligibility Criterion:


    • You should meet the legal marriage age ie, 18 years for a girl and 21years for a boy.
    • Couples who belong to religions like Buddhism, Sikhs, Jains, Arya Samaj, and Hindu are eligible.
    • The rest couples who belong to non-Hindu religions like Muslims, Christians, Parsis, or Jews are also eligible after they agree to convert themselves into Arya Samaj before the marriage.


    Documents list required for Arya Samaj Marriage:


    • The Marriage invitation card
    • Age-proof document of the bride and groom as per the legal marriage age.
    • Address Proof document of the bride and groom
    • (Six or Seven) Passport size photographs of both the bride and groom
    • Three eye-witnesses along with their identity proof, address proof, and passport size photographs (One photo per eye-witness)
    • Affidavits from the bride as well as a groom for stating—
        • The Marital status, 
        • Citizenship, 
        • Nationality, and 
        • Affirmation that the couples are not connected within any prohibited relationship. 
    • A copy of Divorce in case if either the bride or the groom is divorced.
    • A copy of Death Certificate in case of widow/widower.


    So, this is all about the benefits, advantages, eligibility, and the requirement of Arya Samaj Marriage which is an intimate, affordable, simple, and legal marriage option for everyone irrespective of caste, creed, race or religion. 


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